Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sugar and Cheese Sticks!

K5 made another yummy stuffs. Presenting Sugar and cheese sticks...ooohhhhh!!! Yummmyyy!!!

Pastillas made by K5!

It was raining, raining really hard. So my sisters and brothers decided to make something yummmmyyyy... hahaha... My beloved siblings and I made a really sweet pastillas. We took pictures before, during and after making the yummy stuff...Looking at the pictures made me crave for some more Pastillas. hahaha

Student Mode :)

On these photos you'll see what are the stuffs we usually do whenever the profs are gone. haha. Some of the photos, like mine was taken inside the library! hahaha. Thanks to whoever took the shot! :))))

Intoxibella New Beauty Regimen

These are my new beauty regimen. I must say all of these are effective. Loreal really works for my hair, olay works great for my skin and dove keeps me fresh all day! Perfect Beauty Regimen. Must-Haves! hahaha. I bought those in a store near our house with my sissies karla and krissiel. Hi5 Bellas!

Coffee Creature?!

Lately i've been drinking different coffee. Well...what can i say? it's weather appropriate. It is of the best comfort foods during rainy season. hahaha. I super love the coffee i made which has a heart shape granules. soooo cute! hahaha I feel like i'm one of the Coffee Creatures! hahahaha

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Girls Gone Nuts For Donuts!

After school, Kath, Erica, Lyka, JM and I decided to go home early, but that plan was sabotage! hahaha. JOKE! When we were passing by the Gonuts Donuts store, I was like, hey girls, it's on sale, the donuts on sale. So we head beck to the store and purchased two boxes. Sad to say, cream cheese wasn't available, my favorite! We went to Farmer's Food Court where we decided to eat our savory donuts. each of us have three yummy doughnuts. The first doughnut made us crave for another but the moment when we were about to finish the second one, we were all like, uh-oh! we still need to eat that one. We were really full. It was like were about to burst out of sweetness. hihihi. So we hurriedly went to Mercury to buy something salty. That day was truly memorable. Unplanned stuffs are really better than the planned ones. hahaha. Girls Gone nuts because of Gonuts Donuts. Certified Food Buffs!

Food Buff: Jamaican and Mang Cha-a

That seminar made us really hungry. Lyka, JM and I decided to have jamaican and mang cha-a. Good thing that, jamaican was included to our list of food prospects. While Mang Cha-a was something new, and i must say, this one taste good and it's affordable. JM and I ordered Beef Pinatubo while Lyka ordered Chessy Beef. JM had Pearl Milk Tea, Lyka had Taro Milk Tea and I had Chocolate Oreo Milk Tea. Supahhh!!! YUMMY! Certified Food Buffs! hihihi

Entrepreneur's Assembly 2012

Yesterday, July 31, 2012 we attended a seminar at SM City North Edsa Skydome. A lot of entrepreneurs, professors, students and even walk-ins attended the event. There are a lot of speakers who shared their success stories and experiences as well. Very Inspiring! There were goodies, raffles and other stuffs. Some of my classmates were lucky enough to win the raffle. hahaha. I wasn't one of them. huhuhu. Anyway, what I enjoyed most was the gala mode after the event. hahaha