Wednesday, August 1, 2012

City Garden Hotel

Last July 28, 2012 my auntie, uncle and cousin arrived from USA. We were all excited to see them. Imagine after six years, we get to see each other again.They will be staying at the city garden hotel in Makati. It was a nice hotel. I really love the lobby, very cozy. Instead of going back home that night, we stayed at the hotel and bond with our cousin celce. We really had so much fun.We made pet names for each other. Skeleton for Karla, Piglet for krissiel, Pandesal for Celce and Shrimp for me. I dunno why shrimp?! haha. We watched cartoons, played tic-tac-toe and played with her IPad. Also, that night my aunt marilyn, aunt rosemae and I didn't sleep, instead we had a random and funny talk. 

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