Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tell mE something I don’t know?!
          Isn’t it nice to know that many people that surround you are all interested on what was happening to your life?! Well in my case I can’t deny how I just love to be the “Cynosure” with the capital “C”. hehehe…I love the spotlight. I love it when people are eagerly listening to me. My friends will ask me saying: “hey, tell us something about what happened?”  And I was like “oh, sure!” then at that point I will start telling them what really happened in detail of course…(hahaha)
          But sometimes I realized that it wasn’t good to be the topic of discussion all the times. Well, I guess you know what I mean. Obviously I’m talking about gossips and rumors. Based on my personal experience being gossiped is so disgusting and totally annoying. People will just talk behind your back without you even knowing. Hmmmp! Spreading news that wasn’t based on facts. They will just stare at you from head to toe and roll their eyes…(Grrr! I Just want to stick a needle on their eyes..hahaha) The first time I experienced that I really don’t know what to do. It made my mind go crazy. I kept on thinking what it was because nobody will even dare tell me. But thanks to my real friends who bother asking me if it was true?! “The things you hear about me might be true, then again they may be just as fake as the person who told you” that was the statement I told them.
          But since I’m an optimistic Sagittarian I always look at the bright side. I keep on telling myself that everything will be fine. Sometimes being rumored or gossiped is nice. Hmmm…You must be wondering why I say so?! Simple! You've gotta love rumors, because they tell you stuff about yourself that you didn't know! Rumors are spread by people with nothing interesting going on in their own lives!!! Remember that rumors is like the game telephone every time someone retells it, it comes out as a different story; more fake than the first person who started it. One more thing rumors make you famous. They keep on mentioning things about you some might be true the rest might be lies but still it makes you famous…hahaha….
          All you have to do is held your head up high face them with confidence. As long as you know the truth don’t bother explain yourself to others because the ones who know you will never ask why instead they’ll be standing right behind you. Still the final say is up to you. Choose whether rumors will destroy you or you destroy rumors. Which one should you go?!
          Come on tell me something I don’t know. And let the RUMORS begin!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Suddenly we clicked…

Keshna, Zsa and Jhei-em

Jhei-em and Keshna

Froggy, Tin Jan, Cesz, Zsa

Zsa, Jhei-em, Da, Keshna, Froggy

Mojo, Zsa and Jhei-em


     Friendship is a promise, not a label. Friends were meant to last forever, not just for when you need them.  True Friends are really HARD to find, you can have million of friends, but you can count on your fingers that has been true to you and loves you for what you are. Making tons of friends is not an achievement. To make one friend who stands with you when tons are against you is a TRUE FRIEND the rest are just acquaintances. A true friend is someone whom you can sit with and say nothing to but still enjoy every second that you spend together.

One of my fears when talking about college is finding friends. My family would always tell me that I will meet new friends there. But sometime I ask myself “will I be able to find the same friends that I had before?” Well I guess not exactly as my friends but will I be able to find friends that will accept me for who I am?!
I truly believe that friends come and go but the best ones will stay with you forever, no matter how far you are from each other. As I enter college I just discovered that it wasn’t really hard to find friends as long as you show the real you. And it will really help if you and your friends have the same interest.
In my case, well I meet three different people. Each of them has their own personality. The first person on my list was Joana Mae also known as “jheii- em.” She is super sweet, loving and caring friend of mine. We are seatmates most of the time well I guess that was one of the reasons why we became super close to each other. Whenever were together we just can’t help ourselves from laughing and laughing. Well remember: “True friend only causes you pain when you laugh so much it hurts.” She and I sing in public without music because we are just cool like that. Hahaha…any problem with that?!
The next one was Zsarmaine or “Zsa” for short. She is a prim and proper lady. At first I was totally shy to approach her, because she seems to be a snob. Since I have no choice that time and she doesn’t know anybody we decided to eat lunch together. We were always together walking and walking. We usually go downstairs just to eat something. Take note we are on the 5th floor. We even go outside the campus to have some manicure or go to internet cafĂ©. I didn’t even expect that this girl was so funny too.
Well last but definitely not the least was Henry also known as “Mojo.” He was our group leader in Psychology (oh! Our favorite subject!). And I was the assistant leader. I was like “Oh! Di ko yata to’ makakasundo masyadong seryoso?!” In our first practice I discovered that I was definitely wrong because the guy that I expected to be one of the most serious people I’ve ever met turns out to be one of the funniest people on earth! Can you imagine?! (Daig pa nyan si bitoy magpatawa..hahaha)
But I think it’s the time that I reveal what was the main reason that made as close with each other. As I had mention a while ago you and your friends should share the same interest. In our case there is one major interest! Wonder what it is?
Hmmm…Drum roll please…dum..dum…dum…tararan..tanan… presenting… “FOOD!” because of that thing we became close. Our personalities just clicked all of a sudden. We eat what seems to be savory and what seems to e new. Our favorite drink was Manong’s Gulaman. Hahaha… Our favorite lunch were chicken roll, burger steak (except zsa) giniling, and many more to mention. They were one of the most and very first people I met. Well of course I also met many more friends. Well its because I’m friendly…Haha..Any violent reactions?! I met Kathrin a very modest girl, Kristin who used too tease me because of my status, Erica the wild one…hahaha, Princesz the kikay one, Mhay my dear cousin..hehe, Da my movie mate , Lyka who loves enchong and Ailene the Froggy(miss you). And many more to mention for those who I didn’t mention their names don’t worry you’ll always be in my heart…
We may not be siblings by blood, but we are siblings by heart. We are only friends because God knew that if we were siblings our mom wouldn't be able to handle us. If your alone I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug I'll be your pillow. But if you need a friend I will just be me! Keep on mind that true friends are like stars-they're always there for you, but they shine their brightest when you're in the dark.
Bless those who walk away from you. They're making room for the ones that won't… Love your friends… <3<3<3

First Strangers then friends...


       Its funny how we  meet thousands of people and then you meet that one person and everything suddenly seems to all make sense or no sense at all!

Hope you can Relate to this:

 Still a Stranger!
Music and Lyrics by: Keshna

You're in front of me slowly walking
Talking, don't know what are you saying
And I was like kind running, rushing
Have to do something.

My mind was freaking, feet was aching
Til' I hear something, Oh! someone's asking
He has a meeting, bet he's missing
Looks like he's searching...


I stopped and stood, change my mood
Oh! this guy looks so good
He smiled a bit, can't believe it
Told him the direction 
Followed what I mention

He don't look like a stalker
But still he's a stranger
And then I gave it, my digit
He seem so cool and nice
Maybe you're full of lies...
Holding my phone oh my gosh 
you're name just flash
That made me happy, I feel so dreamy
You used to text me, offer me coffee
I used to say no, til' one day I said let's go

I feel so nervous, is it obvious
I feel so shy, don't know why
Your eyes looks nice
Hugging me tight feels so right
So sweet says my heartbeat


I stopped and stood, change my mood
Oh! this guy looks so good
He smiled a bit, can't believe it
Told him the direction 
Followed what I mention

He don't look like a stalker
But still he's a stranger
And then I gave it, my digit
He seem so cool and nice
Maybe you're full of lies...
Waitin' for me to say yes
Well that was just a wild guess
Sorry, please don't be in a hurry
Still not ready, giving my heart to somebody
Can't wait? better look for another date!

You're not a stalker 
still you're a stranger...

Career Plan...

From a cute little girl...

to a young Lady!!!
From Nobody to Somebody…

            I don’t know when was the exact moment when I realize some things that I want for my future. Although I am currently unsure of my exact plans for the future, I still set some of my goals. In this article I’ll be able to share what I want to happen in my future particularly in my career. I made up my mind that the moment I graduated I will seek for a stable job. I’ll make sure that the job or work that I was applying to will help me enhance my skills, in which I can apply the things that I’ve learned and will give me enough knowledge and experience as well.
By the time I gain enough experience and knowledge, I will build my own business. I’ll start a business that has something to do with fashion, maybe a clothing line, bags, shoes or even cosmetics. I’ll make sure to apply everything that I’ve learned in order to make my business successful. I’ll do my very best to transform that little business into a huge company. The moment it become successful here in the country, I will bring it in different areas of the world.  I will create a company that will be known not only here in our country but instead it will be known all over the world. Of course I will become one of the most successful businesswomen. “A Nobody will soon become a somebody and impress everybody.” And that will be an honor not only for me but also for my beloved country.
As what the quotation says: “Always share your blessings,” in order to share my blessings I’m planning to help my beloved country. We are all aware how hard-working Filipinos are, and how determined they are when it comes to work. So instead of giving them a job, I’ll build schools in which they can go there for free and then its up to them on how will they apply the knowledge they gathered from attending that particular school. I will be willing to help other people most specially Filipinos on building their businesses. And soon the Philippines will be one of the most competitive among the other countries. Well I can’t discuss my career plans in detail yet because as time goes by things continue to change. But one thing for sure that will never change “I will be SUCCESSFUL in my career!”