Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Career Plan...

From a cute little girl...

to a young Lady!!!
From Nobody to Somebody…

            I don’t know when was the exact moment when I realize some things that I want for my future. Although I am currently unsure of my exact plans for the future, I still set some of my goals. In this article I’ll be able to share what I want to happen in my future particularly in my career. I made up my mind that the moment I graduated I will seek for a stable job. I’ll make sure that the job or work that I was applying to will help me enhance my skills, in which I can apply the things that I’ve learned and will give me enough knowledge and experience as well.
By the time I gain enough experience and knowledge, I will build my own business. I’ll start a business that has something to do with fashion, maybe a clothing line, bags, shoes or even cosmetics. I’ll make sure to apply everything that I’ve learned in order to make my business successful. I’ll do my very best to transform that little business into a huge company. The moment it become successful here in the country, I will bring it in different areas of the world.  I will create a company that will be known not only here in our country but instead it will be known all over the world. Of course I will become one of the most successful businesswomen. “A Nobody will soon become a somebody and impress everybody.” And that will be an honor not only for me but also for my beloved country.
As what the quotation says: “Always share your blessings,” in order to share my blessings I’m planning to help my beloved country. We are all aware how hard-working Filipinos are, and how determined they are when it comes to work. So instead of giving them a job, I’ll build schools in which they can go there for free and then its up to them on how will they apply the knowledge they gathered from attending that particular school. I will be willing to help other people most specially Filipinos on building their businesses. And soon the Philippines will be one of the most competitive among the other countries. Well I can’t discuss my career plans in detail yet because as time goes by things continue to change. But one thing for sure that will never change “I will be SUCCESSFUL in my career!” 

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