Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tell mE something I don’t know?!
          Isn’t it nice to know that many people that surround you are all interested on what was happening to your life?! Well in my case I can’t deny how I just love to be the “Cynosure” with the capital “C”. hehehe…I love the spotlight. I love it when people are eagerly listening to me. My friends will ask me saying: “hey, tell us something about what happened?”  And I was like “oh, sure!” then at that point I will start telling them what really happened in detail of course…(hahaha)
          But sometimes I realized that it wasn’t good to be the topic of discussion all the times. Well, I guess you know what I mean. Obviously I’m talking about gossips and rumors. Based on my personal experience being gossiped is so disgusting and totally annoying. People will just talk behind your back without you even knowing. Hmmmp! Spreading news that wasn’t based on facts. They will just stare at you from head to toe and roll their eyes…(Grrr! I Just want to stick a needle on their eyes..hahaha) The first time I experienced that I really don’t know what to do. It made my mind go crazy. I kept on thinking what it was because nobody will even dare tell me. But thanks to my real friends who bother asking me if it was true?! “The things you hear about me might be true, then again they may be just as fake as the person who told you” that was the statement I told them.
          But since I’m an optimistic Sagittarian I always look at the bright side. I keep on telling myself that everything will be fine. Sometimes being rumored or gossiped is nice. Hmmm…You must be wondering why I say so?! Simple! You've gotta love rumors, because they tell you stuff about yourself that you didn't know! Rumors are spread by people with nothing interesting going on in their own lives!!! Remember that rumors is like the game telephone every time someone retells it, it comes out as a different story; more fake than the first person who started it. One more thing rumors make you famous. They keep on mentioning things about you some might be true the rest might be lies but still it makes you famous…hahaha….
          All you have to do is held your head up high face them with confidence. As long as you know the truth don’t bother explain yourself to others because the ones who know you will never ask why instead they’ll be standing right behind you. Still the final say is up to you. Choose whether rumors will destroy you or you destroy rumors. Which one should you go?!
          Come on tell me something I don’t know. And let the RUMORS begin!


  1. T A M A !!!
    nice one kesh !!
    love it ..

  2. hahaha...thnaks froggy! how i wish sana naman dumalaw ka. magparamdam ka naman...hahaha <3
