Thursday, July 19, 2012


Collection of photos of p.i.p.s. These photos were taken from different places. I am the one wearing a cute sunglasses. hahaha. We went to National museum, Fort Santiago, San Agustin, Casa Manila, Ayala Museum and Money Museum. Each place has their own story and very unforgettable experiences. hahaha. We had a mega lakad, todo lafang at wagas na tawanan. hihihi. It doesn't matter where to go, as long as you're with these people. Happy to have you P.I.P.S! You're the best guys!!! Thanks JM, Hens, Lyka, Kath, Eca, Da, Tin. Hope soon kumpleto tayo. Right Zsa, Mhay and Ailene??? xoxo

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