Sunday, September 16, 2012

Limited Bonding

YESSSSS!!!!!! the bonding sesh was indeed limited. Wish they could stay longer. We have a short period of time, so we make sure to enjoy to the fullest. Pandesal, Piglet, Skeleton, Teddy Bear and I (Shrimp) went to different stores to check out their stuffs. hahahaha. That was so fun. When we reached the hotel which was the Remington Hotel, Auntie, Uncle and even pandesal were busy preparing their stuffs, and we were all like, ooohhhh... is this for real? are they really leaving tonight? Why waste time? I took my phone and snap some pictures. While waiting for the shuttle we were like kids playing around the lobby. Taking pictures, running, modeling, laughing and other random stuffs. hahahah. Time to ride the shuttle. We sat at the back. While inside the shuttle we were singing, as if we own it. hoho. At the airport...Uggghhhh!!! I hate this part. The hugging and kissing goodbye part. Hope to see them soon. I'm actually starting to miss Pandesal. See you again soon. XOXO.

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