Thursday, September 20, 2012

Talk About Merienda?!

Want to have the best merienda experience?! Try these foodies. Really Yummy! First stop the Sipao from Mamon Luk. This Sipao was really big, and if you're not that hungry why not share it with someone?! hahaha. Next Food, Kutsinta... an all time favorite. I prefer mine with Yema and niyog. It taste really good. Third Food, Puto...Perfect partner of dinuguan...I'm not sure about that. Haven't try eating them both at the same time. hihihi. Fourth Food, Chocolate Slice from max's corner bakery. THis one's really chocolatey. I love it. Chocoholic that's for you! Fifth Food, Pansit...I dunno if i was just hungry that time or it was because it really taste good. I realized that pansit taste good with calamansi and when its hot. Better prepare a bread. YUMMY! Last but not the least... Leche flan. OH! now i'm craving... This is one of my favorite dessert/merienda. I want a big heart shape Leche flan. hahhaha

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